Seriously though, what is NDIS?
We get it. NDIS can be confusing, overwhelming and downright hard. Finally, here’s your complete guide to NDIS in words that actually make sense. Learn about what NDIS is, what it means to have NDIS-approved services and what NDIS standards mean for you. Brought to you by Regional Western Australia’s NDIS experts.
What is NDIS?
To put it simply, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers funding for reasonable or necessary services to help you achieve your goals.
NDIS is for people who are born with or acquire a significant or permanent disability.

What are the three NDIS support budgets?
Core supports – everyday needs such as consumables, daily activities like self-care, assistance with social and community participation and transport.
Capacity building – independence-building through things like home living, employment, daily activities like therapy, health and wellbeing, learning, home living and relationships.
Capital support – higher cost items such as assistive technology and home modifications.
Current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits
What are the 15 service types covered by NDIS?
Depending on your individual circumstances, your covered services may include things like:
Improved learning
Improved health and wellbeing
Increased social and community participation
Home modifications
Assistive technology
Social & community participation assistance
Coordination of supports
Finding and keeping a job
Improved living arrangements
Improved life choices
Assistance with daily life
How is my budget allocated?
Items are funded based on what is reasonable and necessary to pursue your goals.
What does NDIS-funded disability support mean?
This means your disability supports can be allocated and funded by your NDIS budget.
All of EPIC’s disability support services are NDIS-approved. This means if you choose to work with us and have an NDIS plan that budgets for these services, there is no out-of-pocket expense.
TIP FROM THE NEIGHBOURHOOD: All of EPIC’s disability support services are NDIS-approved. Get in touch to find out more!

What’s the NDIS process?
STEP 1 – Check if you’re eligible here.
STEP 2 – Apply here.
STEP 3 – NDIS will contact you.
STEP 4 – Choose service providers here.
STEP 5 – Receive supports!
Many people in Regional Western Australia appreciate support through this process. Call us on (08) 9185 000 or contact us online, and we’ll happily guide you through. Whether you (or someone you know) are yet to be diagnosed, have just received a diagnosis, or are midway through the application process, we’re here to help.
Who manages my plan?
You can choose to self manage, be NDIA managed or have a support coordinator manage your plan through an organisation like EPIC that offers an unbiased selection of service providers for you to choose from.

What are NDIS standards, and what do they mean for me?
NDIS standards mean that NDIS registered providers are closely monitored to make sure the highest standard of service is offered every time.
By choosing an NDIS approved provider like EPIC, you can be certain that services will always:
Be human-centred
Respect your culture, diversity, values and beliefs
Protect your dignity and respect your right to privacy
Support you to make informed choices, exercise control and maximise your independence
Be free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination
Be overseen by a robust governance and operational management system
Identify and manage risks
Make sure you benefit from a quality management system that promotes continuous improvement of support delivery
Accurately record information and ensure that it remains confidential and is easily accessible by you
Welcome, acknowledge and respect your feedback or complaints
Safeguard, acknowledge, respond to, manage and learn from incident management systems
And so much more. Keep reading about our high standard requirements here.