Our EPIC Kalgoorlie Support Coordinator has been working hard over the last month to ensure that participants' NDIS plans are being utilized correctly and assisting participants in navigating the system to have funding for the support they need to achieve their goals.
Rebecca has made note that she is seeing the purchase of low-cost Assistive Technology such as I-Pads being more readily funded from the NDIS due to their understanding of the COVID-19 impacts and many appointments being moved to telehealth. Rebecca has also seen an increase in traveling allied health services to Kalgoorlie, specifically speech pathologists that have helped to address the wait times being experienced in Kalgoorlie, it’s great to see services identifying gaps in the regional community and taking steps to assist.
Rebecca has also been working for some time on securing a participant an electric bed, which is all she has wanted from the scheme since being approved nearly 2 years ago, we are all waiting with great anticipation to see this participant get a well-earned and long-awaited rest.

EPIC's Port Hedland branch has gained a new Support Coordinator, Tanya Mills. Tanya is new to the Support Coordination arena, however, brings a wealth of local knowledge to Epic. Having lived in Hedland for 38 years and has acquired a wealth of experience working in the community sector. This has enabled her to understand the challenges faced by participants as well as services that can best support our NDIS participants. Welcome onboard Tanya!
